Dissertation - Values as Virtues

The purpose of this project was based on the premise that chaplains need additional tools to adequately conduct moral leadership training as stipulated in Army doctrine. The project involved the development and testing of the Ethical Assessment Survey and Values as Virtue framework based on Aristotle’s golden mean. The project objectives included validating and testing the survey and framework through gathering a set of sample data from chaplains and other Army leaders.

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DON’T PANIC: The Convergence of Big Bang Cosmology with the Bible

Bringing up the Big Bang in certain Christian circles is a fraught proposition. Depending on the audience, the response might be hearty agreement, hasty disagreement, or panicky joking (“God said it, and BANG, it happened!”). This paper attempts to address all three groups by showing that Big Bang cosmology is not a threat to the Christian faith. Instead, Big Bang cosmology allows for a convergence of theological, philosophical, and scientific truth in discussing the origins of the universe and its ultimate fate.

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Virtue Ethics and The United States Army

With the Army values already built into the culture of the Army, they provide a starting point for exploring virtue ethics more deeply. Rather than seeing them as a list of rules or duties soldiers must follow, the Army should see them as virtues to be practiced and cultivated both in and out of uniform.

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